Annual Monitoring Reviews

From April 2025, The Croft Medical Centre will be undertaking a more uniformed way of recalling patients who live with a Long-Term Condition, this includes:

GroupConditions Covered
CardiovascularCoronary Heart Disease (CHD) Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Stroke and Mini-Strokes (CVA/TIA)
Hypertension and PulseHypertension (HTN) Atrial Fibrillation (AF)
DiabetesType I Diabetes (T1DM) Type II Diabetes (T2DM) Non-Diabetic Hyperglycaemia – Pre-diabetes (NDH) Gestational Diabetes (GDM)
RenalChronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Mental HealthSevere Mental Illness (SMI)
RespiratoryAsthma Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
OtherRheumatoid Arthritis Epilepsy

The Clinical Team at The Croft Medical Centre have a wide range of experience enabling us to provide the very best clinical care to our patients.

With expert monitoring, treatment, and appropriate self-help you can very effectively reduce the risk of serious complications.

It is important for patients to attend their Annual Monitoring Review appointment so we can ensure your condition is properly controlled and managed. If you run out of your repeat medication and have not had a review, we will not be able to re-authorise your repeat medication.

Annual Monitoring Review – First Invitation

Annual Monitoring Review – Second Invitation

Annual Monitoring Review – Third Invitation